We cannot allow the historic & horrific events of the past 48 hours to fade without significant consequences. In our 100+ years of history, @ADL has never called for the President of the United States to be removed from office. Today, that changes. https://www.adl.org/news/press-releases/adl-calls-for-president-trump-to-be-removed-from-office
What occurred on Wed. was inexcusable. An act of domestic terror was encouraged by President Trump & organized on social media. It will be remembered as one of the darkest days of our democracy & makes it unambiguously clear: President Trump is unfit for office & must be removed.
The images of extremists assaulting police officers, rampaging through the halls of Congress, desecrating the symbol of our democracy had no precedent in our history. The incitement of the mob by @RealDonaldTrump was an amoral act that debases the presidency & imperils society.
Further, ADL is calling for a transparent investigation into the failings of law enforcement. This includes inadequate deployment & disturbing inequities between the treatment of Black Lives Matter protesters over the summer in comparison to armed extremists storming the Capitol.
Finally, ADL, along with the #StopHateForProfit coalition, has called on all social media platforms to #BanTrumpSaveDemocracy & permanently remove him by 1/20 & for brands/companies to pull back advertising on these networks until Trump is entirely removed.
These are the bare minimum steps that must occur. Racism, antisemitism, xenophobia, Islamophobia & other forms of hate were on full display as extremists committed violence & sedition. We must root out this evil in order to heal as a nation. The process starts in the Oval Office.
You can follow @JGreenblattADL.
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