Something that’s been bugging me recently is this perceived concept of “being safe” when participating in non-essential activities/travel. What constitutes your behaviors as “being safe”? Following the rules? But were the rules even “safe” to begin with?
Masks are an essential part of minimizing exposure but they are not standardized. People wear masks made from a variety of materials, thicknesses, etc., and they mainly help protect others from YOU. So yes, thank you for wearing them, but know that they’re not your shield.
Places allow you to remove your mask “only when eating.” Does the fact that you’re eating make it safe? A 6-ft rule is also a great thing to keep in mind, but do you have any idea how far a sneeze can travel? Couple a sneeze with mask-less eating, and now we’re really in trouble.
Also, asymptomatic carriers are definitely real! When traveling, do you consider those you encounter along the way who didn’t have a choice? People who work at the grocery? At the airport? How "safe" is the friend you are meeting up with?
Don’t get me wrong, these are all very important measures that are in place to MINIMIZE risk, but to me, the definition of “being safe” includes the absence of risk, which is a privilege that some people may not have.
Anyway, wash your hands, don’t rub your eyes or bite your nails, and please truly consider what you are doing and what impact it may have on yourself and others.
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