Can we talk a moment about how abuse robs you of your ability to express yourself, to have opinions?
I used to be VERY outspoken, just ask @unxpctdisvry But after living with an abuser for 10 years, I am now very fearful of saying something "wrong."
What this means is that while I consume information like one of the survivors of the Endurance expedition consumed food, I almost NEVER feel safe or comfortable to talk about my thoughts on that information.
Aside from a few close friends, I don't share my thoughts. And all of this is because of the fear of being WRONG.
But, here's the kicker... being wrong isn't deadly. That's how you learn and grow. To have your ideas challenged. To poke them and find their weaknesses and then strengthen them with what you have learned.
And abuse took that from me.
I'm learning to be open again. But it's a long, slow process. Anyway, I just wanted to talk about a side effect of abuse I don't often see discussed.
If you also deal with this, just know that you aren't alone. And what you have to say IS worthwhile.
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