This is shockingly bad. Universities know full well what is happening with the pandemic and prior inequalities. So they either don't care, are incompetent, or wish to cause harm. Which is it?
Let's take this - "Our universities will continue to work in partnership with our students to review our approach to mitigation measures and make any necessary changes to ensure these are as effective, compassionate and empathetic as they can be" - sounds reasonable. But...
Here they acknowledge everyone is struggling but some students are truly disadvantaged "and that they recognise the challenges faced by all students and the exceptionally difficult circumstances that some students are facing this year" - an opportunity to help them then?
No - "At the same time, Russell Group universities have a duty to all students to protect academic standards and uphold the integrity of our degrees." - this is a clear message that mental health and wellbeing, rights and justice are NOT a priority or anything nearing such.
"This is critical to ensure that it remains possible to differentiate the overall performance of students and that the degrees of our graduating students are viewed as a mark of quality and continue to command the confidence of employers and professional bodies".
What RG are saying here is:
- we know there is a pandemic
- we know it has adversely harmed some students more than others
- we aren't going to put provision or emergency measures in place to make things fairer for said students
- we will reward students in privileged positions
Let's frame it another way. RG pride themselves on being world leaders. They get more money than post 92 universities which funds research on mental health; students, teaching and learning (including online learning); grading/metrics; inequalities in education; and Covid-19.
RG institutions are better placed than anywhere else to use the research they collect showing
- the impact of the pandemic on student mental health and inequalities
- ways to deliver online learning effectively and inclusively
- alternatives to assessment and harms of metrics
We are 10 months into a pandemic. We know what damage it has caused to individuals and society and how some people are particularly at risk/adversely affected. With all the research RG unis had prior to the pandemic plus that conducted within it - THEY KNOW.
Questions should be asked about the point of universities undertaking research and endlessly assessing teaching, learning and research if they cannot apply evidence to practice. If they cannot think in agile and creative ways. If they CANNOT ADEQUATELY RESPOND TO A PANDEMIC.
I don't mean questioning those doing teaching and research I mean higher level management who seem unable to listen to their staff or those at other institutions or read or apply any evidence to practice. (This is research methods 101 entry level stuff btw)
What do we have? We have the RG
- doing EDI theatre (but no actual practice)
- bragging about all the research money they have to study Covid-19 + its effects (and not using evidence to inform practice)
- actively working to make life harder for students harmed by the pandemic
RG universities could:
- acknowledge we're living through a pandemic
- try radical,innovative,responsive and empowering ways to support students, staff and wider communities
- recognise the 'business as usual' model unis want us to maintain was toxic and broken prior to Covid-19
Since universities are supposed to be about pedagogy, theory and critical thinking what can't those skills be used now to
a. draw on existing research that offers ideas to support vulnerable students and staff
b. imagines new possibilities for learning and assessment
The reasons we can't make exams fairer are the same reasons that extensions won't be given for PGRs, that students were told it's safe to be on campus, or staff pushed to provide endless live video lectures.
While framed in discourses of 'fairness','rigour','process' and 'opportunity' what we're seeing is a failing system with unimaginative and uncaring leadership who don't understand unis from the basics of using evidence to the need to treat staff and students with dignity and care
Universities and especially those in the RG are reliant on staff being so overworked and anxious in their jobs that they'll be too exhausted or distracted to complain or too fearful of consequences to speak up.
They also bank on their 'prestigious reputation' ensuring no matter how incompetent or cruel they are students or staff won't complain - you're made to feel you're lucky to be there rather than them being lucky to have you.
RG unis won't care about anything I've said above btw but there are things you can do if you're staff in any role within a uni:
- join a union
- collect evidence
- alert media about what's going on (I can pass on anonymised messages)
- seek support/care for your wellbeing
If you're a student in an RG university you can
- join the NUS
- support your local SU and course reps
- as them to seek legal advice on the plans to assess you
- collect evidence, tell the press and seek care (as above)
- liaise with sympathetic tutors (there will be many)
Also if you're a student or you support students in an RG uni there is one weapon you have that is very powerful. PARENT POWER. While not everyone has family to support them, if your family can get them to
- write to their MP
- lobby your university management
- talk to the media
RG unis run on exceptionalism, their brand is superiority. If parents and students are telling future applicants not to come to places that don't prioritise student rights and welfare this is a language that management, no matter how incompetent or negligent, understands
ps. I'd also suggest you speak with your unions, talk together in a considered way and form alliances rather than necessarily following my advice when I'm off on one. Be angry but be strategic.
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