good morning…
*shuffles papers*
*adjusts glasses*
i see there are questions about blender guru aka the donut guy. i’ll put the problematic stuff i saw in this thread and you can decide if those little sprinkles are worth it
content warning!!

*shuffles papers*
*adjusts glasses*
i see there are questions about blender guru aka the donut guy. i’ll put the problematic stuff i saw in this thread and you can decide if those little sprinkles are worth it

from a blender tutorial in 2017, talking about how much he misses using a homophobic slur (
@nodwaynenogain for catching it)

insidious “both sides” argument, expediently dispatched by @Sekani__Solomon
i guess that’s what we get for learning blender from the human equivalent of warm unseasoned potato salad!!
i will now cleanse my blender education by placing my donut in this furnace

yes. very good. burn
i will now cleanse my blender education by placing my donut in this furnace

yes. very good. burn
the ritual is complete. i am purified. the contaminated donut is but a pile of ash and regret
if you still want to learn blender, i have a HUGE list of unproblematic blender educators & tutorials to help you get started here! let's learn