#COVID19IsAirborne a #MedEd & community PSA #education 🧵

Let’s talk about #COVID19 🦠➕HOW it’s spread so we ALL know ➕understand WHY #WearAMask

Let’s also ALL understand WHAT TYPE of 😷 or respirators are needed in 🏥➕🏨 #Quarantine to protect workers ➕prevent 🦠breaches.
As of Oct 12 Vic @VicGovDHHS @DanielAndrewsMP @VictorianCHO mandated fitted masks 😷only

No more shields, no flimsy face coverings only 2-3 layered fitted 😷
or surgical masks.

This was because our understanding of the #science had changed. Sadly we learned the hard way .....
The change to #WearAMask included a change to #HCW guidelines in #healthcare settings.

Community were now in fitted masks because of recognition of a dominant role of spread of 🦠through the air so now #HCWs also needed greater protection with n95 😷or respirators.
This was to prevent #HCW #agedcare worker infections ➕reduce chance of them re-infecting community!


Because over 3500 Victorian #HCW had been infected because we initially thought 🦠was spread via droplets & #HCWs ONLY had droplet precautions in form of a surgical 😷
The #COVID19Vic #HCW data 👇🏼for anyone interested.

Since introduction of higher level #airborne protections including #ventilation audits and improvements of all hospitals 🏥 & facilities ➕respirators or n95 😷for at risk settings no #HCW infections!

This has included #airborne precautions or controls in #agedcare ➕ #healthcare ➕ #quarantine 🏨buildings.

#Ventilation checks by engineers to see if #air flow can be improved

Fit-testing of n95 😷or respirators to ensure they actually fit properly to provide the 95% protection.
Yup it’s called an n95 respirator or 😷 because it stops 95% of particles. Only 95%!

We want to be sure it at least stops the 95% to protect out #HCW #agedcare workers ➕ #Quarantine 🏨 workers ➕✈️ crew to protect them.

This protects them AND 🛑🦠getting back into community.
Fit-testing is mandated in high risk industries that require n95 respirators or 😷

Industries like mining where miners are at risk of breathing in particles that may lead to cancer or 🫁 disease.

It should be done for ALL #HCW

#Auspol should demand it.

To protect all 🇦🇺
Fit-testing is cheap, easy & quick in most cases. Sometimes takes longer if someone’s face doesn’t fit the masks available.

Yes it needs to be repeated if mask availability changes or someone’s face changes from significant weight gain or loss.

My mum is happy I’m fit-tested!
Some new changes in 🇦🇺protect us ALL because 😷reduce 🦠transmission when virus is in the #air or if someone is talking & spits out droplets

@ScottMorrisonMP @GregHuntMP @PKelly_CBR 🙏🏽 thank you for protecting all 🇦🇺 by including mandatory 😷on ✈️➕airports.
The #science of why #WearAMask helps reduce 🦠transmission is 👇🏼from @trishgreenhalgh and team.

This includes gyms and yes ✈️➕other indoor settings. The less #ventilation there is ➕the more people ➕higher chance of someone with 🦠the higher the risk of #COVID19 infection.
Original @bmj_latest @trishgreenhalgh article link 👇🏼for anyone who wants to read further. https://www.bmj.com/content/bmj/369/bmj.m1435.full.pdf
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