I took Nurtec preventively today. Soon as I sat down again my head went PING and I realized it was maybe less preventive than I originally thought. I often disconnect and suppress my pain. MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS have repeatedly told me it's better to "not think about it".
The term "pain catastrophizing" is often used to argue that acknowledging and being realistic about pain makes it worse (there's a lot more there than I'm going into here) and stigmatizes people who seek pain management.

In reality, ignoring pain makes it harder to treat.
I'm frequently confused and frustrated when my migraine meds don't kick in as well as I think they ought to, but it's often because my attempts to ignore my pain have delayed treatment and made it an uphill battle for my meds to fight.
I delay taking meds because:
* Side effects
* Insufficient # of meds
* Stigma of rx pain control

Two out of three of those things are from medical professionals and insurance providers. I suffer unnecessary pain because of ignorance and to save corporations money.
Meanwhile, I'm also lectured by the literature that it's my fault for not taking my medication soon enough. 🙄

I have to take more of it to make up for that. This increases side effects, which makes me more adverse to taking the medication next time.

So I try to ignore it.
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