I've talked to a couple friends about this in private, so I figured I could do a short thread explaining why I'm releasing this the way I am — with preorders and promotion, instead of through Kickstarter.

1/? https://twitter.com/jdragsky/status/1347569863892627458
So by all rights, Uncanny could be a Kickstarter. It's for a full book, with an ISBN number and copyright and all that fun stuff. This is going to be a proper release, but I didn't want to Kickstart it. Instead I'm doing something not a lot of TTRPGs go for. Why?

Honestly, releasing Uncanny without a Kickstarter is probably a mistake. I don't feel confident we'll make enough on preorders to cover art costs. I'll be fine if that happens, but I could probably make plenty more on Kickstarter.

I don't want to do Kickstarter because I hate the structural insecurity. I don't like not knowing what's going to hit my bank account. The goal for Uncanny is to help build up a distribution structure that allows me to use Kickstarter only when necessary.

Additionally, Uncanny is something of a test run. Kickstarter's biggest advantage is that it's a really effective marketing platform. I want to see if I can turn preorders into advertising, and build up something new. I don't like depending on Kickstarter.

I don't like begging for scraps on the underside of these larger platforms. I don't like the adrenaline of the Kickstarter promotion, or the way it makes me act, or what it does to people around me. I just want to make cool things and sell them.

So! That's my thinking with Uncanny. We'll see how it all goes. I know a lot of you shop for all your RPGs on Kickstarter. I encourage you to branch out a little sometimes, and support things like this. It's a risk but I hope that maybe it can pay off.

Also to clarify I don't think KS is a bad platform or anyone is bad for doing it. I will be running more Kickstarters in the future. I just think it's not sustainable long term and want to figure other options out!
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