Day 1 of our lockdown sourdough adventure. Very little to it today. All you need is 100g wholewheat flour & 50ml bottled, untreated or boiled and cooled water. #coronacooking
Mix the flour & water to a paste and put it into your kilner jar. Leave the lid slightly open. Put it somewhere warm, I wrap mine in a blanket to get it really cozy, and leave it for 24 hours. That’s it for today. See you tomorrow! #coronacooking #sourdough
You use Wholemeal to get the starter going, only on the first day. If you have rye flour use that. Lots of people say to use rye on the first day, but I used Wholemeal. From tomorrow on, we will be using strong white flour.
Day two. First, you need to discard half of the starter that you made last night. #sourdough #lockdown #coronacooking
Now combine 100g of strong white flour with 100ml of water and mix to a paste. Stir it into the remaining starter in your jar...don’t worry about the lumps! Make it nice and cozy again and put it somewhere warm for another 24 hours. See you tomorrow! #coronacooking
Day three...I’m sharing a technique that is simple and very doable. #sourdough #coronacooking
I love recipes and techniques that work for most people, and I don’t think recipes need to be super complicated. That’s what #coronacooking has been all about for me.
Today, you need to again discard half the contents of your jar. Now mix 100g of strong white flour with 100ml of filtered, bottled or untreated water. Stir into your jar to combine with the starter. #sourdough #coronacooking
Now wrap your jar up to keep it lovely and cozy again, and put it somewhere nice and warm. That’s it for today. See you tomorrow. #coronacooking #sourdough
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