Never forget that the "Stop the Steal" hashtag Trump promoted was intended from the start to dovetail with his call for a march on Congress—and result in actions at the Capitol that would *literally* "stop" the "steal" by stopping Congress' joint session.

Team Trump wanted this.
(PS) This is why Giuliani's misplaced call to Sen. Tuberville—accidentally sent to another senator—is such critical evidence in this ongoing criminal investigation. Trump's lawyer explicitly said Team Trump's goal was to delay the certification of Biden's win.

This was a *plot*.
(PS2) Trump and his team believed an armed insurrection would delay the certification of Biden's win for *days*. That's why we now have reporting that Trump was "pleased" and "delighted" at the insurrection and "confused" that anyone in the White House had a different reaction.
(PS3) As for Pence, we must bluntly say what we all know to be true—Trump didn't care if the Vice President of the United States lived or died as part of the armed insurrection he deliberately incited. And indeed, the seditionists were *hunting* Pence in the halls of the Capitol.
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