1) @RealRLimbaugh is today saying what I said yesterday with a different slant: he is noting that Botoxic, the Swamp, even GOP elites are in stark fear. In his view it's because Trump can still declassify and pardon.

2) But he noted that the fear is tangible.
3) Reading some things, I do NOT think the elites/Congress/the DemoKKKrats were "in" on anything---there may have been fascist so-called antifa in the group that broke in, but that's irrelevant.

CONGRESS didn't know that. They were genuinely scared.
4) The photos of the Swampers hiding under chairs and desks from the Bearded Lady and one of the characters from Science Fiction Theater 2000 is priceless.
5) Lindsey was looking for a lifeboat.
6) Yes, they may be worried about some declassification or pardons, but the REAL source of concern is the fact that a handful of people---perhaps some patriots, perhaps some posers---chased them off the floor like the Mexican Army running from Sam Houston at San Jacinto.
7) @RealRLimbaugh said top of the hour news said Botoxic was "telling military leaders to be ready" in case Trump "launches nukes."

8) This is beyond ludicrous. Botoxic has nothing to do with the military. She thinks a colonel is a piece of corn.
9) When someone says "General" to her, her first thought is "Dollar?" She still thinks "private" is the first word in Howard Stern's bio.

10) I'm telling you, they are rattled.

11) When Cruz, the Tedster, has to come out and condemn Trump's "rhetoric," you know they are scared.
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