Dear MAGA, why do you follow this con? First he told you Mexico would pay for the wall. They didn’t. Then he warned you that caravans of illegal immigrants were invading. They weren’t. He said the ACA was a disaster and that he had an amazing plan to replace it. He didn’t.
He said he was the strongest against Russia. But he wouldn’t even condemn Putin for putting bounties on our troops. He said it was a perfect call. It wasn’t. He said he would save the coal industry. He didn’t. He said other countries would respect us. They don’t.
He said he only hires the best people. But fires those same people. He said if Clinton were elected it would be nothing but investigations. We’ve had nothing but investigations his entire 4 years. He said he would be tough on North Korea. They have more missiles than ever.
He said they’re coming for the suburbs. No ones coming. He said Covid was a hoax. It’s not. He said it’s just like the flu. Over 350K are dead in 10 months. He said he shut down travel from China. Not true. He said everyone who wants a test could get one. They couldn’t.
He told you masks don’t work. Let me say that again. He told you masks don’t work. Cmon. He said the day after the election Covid would just go away. Since the election every fucking day has been worse. Over 4K died just yesterday.
He said Biden was the worst candidate ever and there was no way he could lose. He lost. He said he was the candidate of Law & Order and when he wanted a photo with a Bible he unleashed hell on peaceful protesters. Yet when the Capitol was under siege from a domestic terror
attack where was that same Law & Order president? This is what he did to protect property.👇🏼
Yet this was the scene at “the people’s house” as Congress and his own VP were under attack. Where’s the Law? Where the order?👇🏼
Five people died in that insurrection attempt including one police officer that was just trying to defend the United States from attack. Remember blue lives matter? Did they ever to you or only when it fits your narrative? You can’t have it both ways.
And look at this image. Ask yourself is this what you want. Because if it is there’s a problem. This flag was the flag of seditionists. Of traitors. Of racists who fought to keep slaves. Well this is what flew in our Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021. Thanks to trump.
During his time in office the rich have gotten richer while most everyone else is suffering. And even though there’s finally a vaccine for Covid, we can’t even get it to people because we are and have been so unprepared since day 1. You might think he represents you, but he
doesn’t. He only represents himself. Always has. He demands loyalty but is loyal to no one. He used you for his own selfish goals. He made you believe in conspiracies so you would doubt even the most basic of truths. Our elections are secure. They always have been. This was
even said to be the most secure. Yet he told you you couldn’t trust anyone. That the system was rigged. Not only by democrats but even republicans. But only if he lost. Think about that. He went to the courts. He lost. He went to the Supreme Court. He lost. It’s not rigged.
It just isn’t. This con has done nothing but lie. Cheat. Steal. From all of us. We’ve lost lives, jobs, respect. We’ve lost honor. We’re a laughing stock to the world. Please wake up. It’s not to late. Step back from the cliff while there’s still hope.

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