Thread: Earlier today the #Iran|ian Media release footage of the newly announced #IRGC Anti-Ship Missile Underground Tunnels. The footage of disclosed that the location of these where in the Hormozgan Province
Unconfirmed reports via IRGC affiliated media channels on Telegram and Twitter mentioned the Strait of Hormuz when sharing this footage. Considering the context of the media being Anti-Ship Missiles, this somewhat made sense. Hormozgan takes up the most part of Southern Iran
Having these assets also positioned on the West side of the Strait would be logical as it's on the Iran side (so to speak). Qeshm Island is also in close proximity. Qeshm Island is the host of several #IRGC bases and also hosted an exercise last year with Noor and other Missiles
Slightly south of where this exercise was conducted is the Village of Messen. Messen hosts ridge line just north of it, with some rather unnatural looking assets. Upon further investigation via Google Earth Pro you can identify that the unnatural assets (totally the wrong word)
The ridge line itself is a facility full of tunnels/bunkers, a complete row of them which have been there since at least 2003, if not earlier. However one section to the South West of these is of most interesting. Between 2013 and 2017 it "evolved"
After 2017, it has also seen some additional work which includes it being covered over again in earth and then rebuilt, several times, all observable via the imagery on Google Earth Pro. Whilst of course this doesn't confirm this is the location shown in todays video...
it is an interesting location.

research in this thread was conducted along with @Obs_IL
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