Aren't there already failsafes in place to prevent this? It's not like there's a big button that a petulant Trump can just press. Also, if military commanders think an order is illegal, they can refuse.

So I don't understand this move. Is it performative? Or an overreach?
Trump is (and has always been) one of the last people on Earth (ever) who should have had access to nuclear weapons, but I don't think their deployment is as easy as this seems to make it seem.

He can't just willy-nilly let loose.
Couple this with Pence & Acting Sec.Def's orders yesterday, and I can't help but think that there's a serious breakdown in America's chains of command.

Until 25th is invoked, or he's impeached, he is still president.

Have too many people internalized Drezner's Toddler tweets?
A good, short thread:
Congressional primer on Command & Control of Nuclear Forces certainly suggests its murky whether or not anyone could stop him (the document in question only includes hypotheticals unrelated to mad kings):
It seems to me, though, that if they really thought it was a real possibility that Trump would start launching nukes, then they wouldn't be farting about waiting to impeach. They'd just do it.
There have been number of representatives who have said they have drawn up articles of impeachment. So... do it?
A good thread on president’s nuclear launch authority:
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