not the most pressing issue facing our society but the wobbly line between "reading horoscopes is just for fun" and "I very seriously NEED to know your sign so I can make assumptions about you" is THE SAME mental weakness as the wobbly line between kek and QAnon.
"oh I know it's stupid but it's fun!" is a level of self-awareness that can fade away at any moment and leave you wallowing in actual stupidity
obv with things like astrology and crystals and demonology and personality tests, there's no immediate or apparent harm, though I can think of examples with each that have led to bigotry and exclusionism, but holy shit guys, we created a political PARTY based on wobbly-woo "fun"
of COURSE when such "it's just for lulz" got applied to real-life politics, things went insane and violent. Can we go back to politics being un-fun? A boring aspect of adulthood? Keep the lulz to shit that doesn't determine who commands the military?
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