It matters far less about whether the teaching is delivered via 'live lessons' or 'lessons on demand'.
Context matters - some homes will be well set up with lots of devices and great broadband. Others will not be so fortunate - perhaps no broadband, limited data and one phone screen.
I have received strongly held opinions ranging from "100% live lessons" to "100% recorded lessons" in the last week.
Some feel reassured by attempting to replicate the school timetable through the screen. It's not possible to replicate in-person teaching through a screen!
Other parents are working from home whilst juggling the demands of remote learning for their children. Really tough. They need flexibility, and children can't miss out because of their parent's work demands.
Equality matters. Inclusive online teaching matters. It is easy to look inwards when at the receiving end of remote learning and assume that everyone's circumstances are similar to yours. I include myself in this.
I am also (almost) lost for words in admiration at the resilience and tenacity of our staff. Absolutely committed to doing everything we can. Comfortable challenging my bad ideas as well as supporting my good ones.
A brilliant thing to finish this mini-thread: I have been contacted by a local person who is coordinating donation and distribution of laptops, so that we can loan them to those who need it. Absolutely BRILLIANT. We will get them to those who need them most. Thank you.
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