1) My 8th grade history teacher, Mrs. Billingsly, used to casually microagress the Jewish kids in front of the class.
“You people and your holidays 🙄
“Any excuse not to take a test, huh?”
“I thought you guys were the smart ones”…
2) “Ah, I could tell you were Jewish”
“You think you’re white?”
“You sure you didn’t cheat?”
And on. And on. And on.
Orange County… it’s nothing new. We all coped differently.
3) Jewish people watching the news on Jan 6 experienced their wildest dreams and worst nightmares playing out simultaneously:
4) • The 1st Jewish senator elected in one of the most historically antisemitic states in the nation.
• A newly-elected House Rep proclaiming, “Hitler was right” on Trump’s stage. Nazi symbols, 6MWE (6 million wasn’t enough) & “Camp Auschwitz” shirts abound, confederate flags…
5) … Sen Josh Hawley saluting white power on his way into the Capitol, bombs, rifles, nooses, complicit police: A coordinated nazi insurrection.
6) American Jews are not a monolith by any means, but many of us are separated by only one generation from the deadliest and most coordinated ethnic cleansing in modern history.
7) Trauma is in our collective DNA. We can smell hate on people before they do. Our bodies literally vibrate with primal fear. It’s our curse and our legacy. And in this way we are responsible for one another when we see history repeating itself.
8) There are 34 Jews in our next congress. Only 2 are republicans. BOTH voted to overthrow democracy in service of Trump’s violent coup.
Our shared legacy demands we call them out: @repleezeldin of NY and @repdavidkustoff of TN.
9) Trump and his racist, antisemitic, fascist kleptocrats love to pledge their love for Israel. They couldn’t care less. It has always been a means to and end: consolidating power and resources at any cost. Foolish Jews feast on the scraps; the majority of us know better.
10) It’s time for American Jews to call Trumpism what it is: American Naziism.
@repleezeldin and @repdavidkustoff are complicit. They are traitors to their country and their heritage. They are nazi-sympathizers. They must resign immediately.
11) I am asking all American Jews to join me in this call. Please amplify.
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