Alright Left we need to talk about DC.

First and foremost we need to be mindful of of the function of Fascism in that especially in the age of the internet it will use marginalized people as canon fodder. I believe that to be the case here as well.

The state is not a singular entity. It is composed of warring factions at all times. The far right is just as big of an issue for the Neo-Liberal establishment as Leftists

Seeing the apex of all states as out and out Fascism displays a misunderstanding of modern Fascism
Modern Neo-Liberal Fascism ie soft Fascism and out and out Fascism accomplish the same goals however out and out Fascism is unstable. We need to be mindful of how the state proceeds with repression against the far right and realize how that will be utilized against the Left.

We need to stop calling this fundamentalist Christian POS the Q shaman. That word has been degenerate enough in the modern context.

I don't care what you call him, just please stop calling him a fucking shaman. I don't care if he calls himself that, he isn't that.
Wolf did a good thread on this guy.

He's a Sunday morning Christian and any nod we give him in regards to spiritual/Germanic traditions is furthering Fascist appropriation of these cultures.

This shit is Fascism 101 and we should realize this by now.
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