George W Bush says that "this is how elections are disputed in banana republics."

He would know, he engineered a coup in Haiti in 2004, and attempted them in Venezuela in 2002 and plotted one in Palestine in 2006.
The man who lied us into the Iraq War with talk of non-existent weapons of mass destruction is apparently denouncing "falsehoods" spread by elected officials.
After Bush left office, the US was the most hated and feared country in the entire world, and considered the greatest threat to world peace.
The man who was only elected thanks to an election steal in Florida has the audacity to criticize Trump's tactics and talk about the audacity of the sanctity of elections and elected officials.
And amazingly, CNN reads out Bush's statement and describes him as "someone who lived through the Iraq War."

Bush "lived through" the Iraq War in the same way OJ Simpson "lived through" his wife's death.
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