idk about you but weekends have been hard for me during the pandemic. pandemic weekends where I am also feeling bad about democracy might be extra hard. So, it's friday: time to make your plan for this weekend.
Need some rest? What are the things that you like to do to rest? Need to seek out recommendations on new netflix series to get into? Maybe pencil in a walk, or a guilt-free nap. Whatever you need to rest, do that.
Need to feel connected to other people? Reach out to a friend to plan a phone call (video chat if that feels better; voice only feels less exhausting for me and I can go on a walk or keep my hands busy) or set up some virtual gaming with friends.
Want to create something? Find a new recipe to try, or pull up some tutorials for whatever thing you want to do on youtube. Drawing, painting, clay, photography: make something. Stage a photo shoot with your cat. Write a poem. Art is for everyone, and that means you, too.
Your living space getting kinda funky (not in a good way) because of *gestures broadly*? Try the @TeamUfYH method and set a timer for 20 minutes, tackle some tidying, then give yourself a break to do something more fun.
Want to take action? Do some research on groups near you, and find out how to get involved. This topic is worthy of a whole thread on its own but if recent events have made you want to get more involved in organizing for a better world, great. Welcome. There is room for you.
Basically, meet yourself where you're at this weekend, but try to plan out a few things to help bring yourself a smidge closer to the place you want to be, emotionally & physically. Recharge, recenter, do what you need to do. You're needed for the work ahead, so take care.
You can follow @CasseyLottman.
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