Liberty and Freedom:

You want the freedom to be racist.
You want the liberty to terrorize POC and LGBT.
You want the freedom to discriminate and hate.
Religious Freedom/Liberty:

You want the right to discriminate against LGBT.
2nd Amendment:

You want the right to shoot black men walking down the street.
You want the freedom to shoot up schools and theaters.
You want to be able to stockpile for your next insurrection on the government.
Freedom of Speech:

You want to be free from consequences of hate speech.
You want to spread hateful rhetoric to incite violence.
You want to spread dangerous misinformation and conspiracies.
You want to attack vulnerable groups on social media and bully them into silence.

White Nationalism.
Immigration Reform:

You want to keep out brown people.
You want to tear apart families and put kids in cages.
You want to send refugees back to their deaths.
Lower Taxes:

You hate poor people.
You want to deny vulnerable populations access to healthcare, food and other human rights.
You don't want to pay your fair share for services you use.
Parental Consent/Rights:

You want parents to force their 12 year old daughter to give birth.
You want to let parents torture their LGBT kids in conversion therapy and kick them out into the streets.
School Choice:

You want to segregate schools to benefit white children.
You want to ensure only the wealthy have access to quality education.
You want to trap the poor in poverty neighborhoods with poor schools.

You want to raise ignorant, frightened, bigoted children who learn about abstinence and creationism.
Law and Order:

You want to imprison more black men.
You want the police to continue hunting down black men to kill at will.
You want to target poor black neighborhoods to keep black populations in check.
Mass incarceration.

Xenophobic bigotry.
White nationalism.
Lunatics with guns who think they can overthrow the government.
America First:

Xenophobic bigotry.
Anti-immigrant hatred.
White nationalism.

Forced birth.
Religious extremism forcing women to be punished for having sex.
Handmaid's Tale.
Free Markets:

Exploiting the poor.
Due Process:

You want rapists to get away with their crimes because you support them.
You think white frat boys have more rights than rape victims.
You want to exploit white privilege in an unjust system that targets the poor, women and POC.
Freedom of Thought:

You want to spread hate speech/misinformation/conspiracies.
You want to hurt minorities, LGBT and women with dangerous ideas and triggering rhetoric.
Freedom of Association:

You want to discriminate and keep your safe white-only boy's clubs.
You want to deny services to POC and LGBT.

You want to enable systemic racism through a document written by rich old white men who owned slaves and considered black people 3/5ths of a person and did not recognize women.

White Supremacy.
Dangerous to a democratic society of connected systems.

White Privilege.
Hatred of the poor.
Individual Rights:

White Supremacy.
You want to to discriminate against minorities, women and LGBT.
You want the system to only work for you.
Since so many appear confused, I am demonstrating how the left interprets the language of conservatives and how we cannot assume reason to counter their arguments.

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