Okay something I’ve been thinking about this morning: WTF was the actual intention of the MAGAts who stormed the Capitol building?
There’s all these people on Reddit/here saying that this was an organized coup. And TBH I keep thinking that “organized” is a strong word. 90% of them had no aim other than showing up and shouting.

The other 10% are the ones that should worry everyone.
So Trump does his stupid rally, having fired up the MAGAts for actual months, then says they should march on the Capitol and of course they do, then sympathizers among the security forces let them through to the building itself.
SO many people are getting fired over that.

Anyway: so they’re inside and now what? Again, 90% of them have no clue, they just show up and shout and perhaps smash shit or steal, and generally be assholes.

The worrisome 10% had an aim in mind: kidnap/hurt/kill.
But here’s the thing: even that 10% didn’t have any fucking clue what to do. Look at the videos and photos, this was military cosplay. They made merchandise for gods sake. They loudly proclaimed their intentions to try starting a civil war.
I’ve no doubt that if they had found Pelosi in her office then she’d be dead right now. But if their actual goal was specific enough, such as: assassinate the Speaker of the House and enough congresspeople/senators for Trump to declare an emergency/martial law...
I mean, they failed pretty badly. A combination of external circumstances was what allowed them to even get to Pelosi’s office, being: sympathizers in the security forces, Trump pulling off the National Guard/ reducing the security presence leading up top the 6th
And pure stupid fucking luck.

I mean, they didn’t get into the House chamber because there were a couple of security people with guns who barricaded the door. That’s all it took to keep them out.

Actual competent insurgents would have had a plan for, y’know, armed resistance.
So I don’t want to downplay what happened, okay, but I also don’t like to see people positing some massive, narrowly-averted conspiracy as orchestrated by people who have, up to this point, shown that they couldn’t organize a piss-up in a brewery.
As for Trump, I’m not even sure WTF he wanted other than to keep the MAGAts fired up and on his side and... donating money to him. All the rest was just incompetence and racism.
The National guard wasn’t deployed in a timely manner, security wasn’t increased ahead of time, because he couldn’t find his ass with both hands and didn’t think an actual riot putting elected officials in mortal danger was a big deal when it was white people doing it.
Seriously he does not give one single solitary fuck - he has the Secret Service to shoot anyone who gets within a mile of harming his orange ass. The greatest threat to Trump is his own shitty diet.

He just wanted to keep the money flowing.
But there’s an issue when you’re trying to keep your base together using bigger and bigger lies.

We’re going to win the election, guaranteed! (Then he didn’t)

The election was stolen! (But he had no proof)

We’re going to stop the steal! (But he lost every lawsuit)
Then it turned into: March on the Capitol!

Bigger and bigger lies. Now people are dead - people on HIS side, mind you, not those horrible BLM protestors that his base don’t view as fully human.
They marched on the evil deep state government and I think a lot of them truly believed that he’d be with them. Maybe a lot still do.

But there’s nothing like actual death to really impress on people that shit is real and maybe he’s lying.
They thought they’d just walk in and take over, because he lied and told them implicitly that that’s how it’d work, just like in the movies.

They were SURPRISED when it didn’t work. Some will double-down but I think a good portion will start to think.
Trump really doesn’t want them to think too hard obviously but again, he needs bigger and bigger lies to keep them on his side, and there’s only so long that can work when not every source is repeating your lies.

(Basically watch what Fox says now about all this.)
It’s not really about staying in power for him, I think, it’s more that he needs money and the only way he will get money from racist idiots is if they believe giving him money = he will stay in power and perpetuate their racism.
If they stop believing that, then he’s toast. So he’ll tell any lie he can to keep them believing it and keep them on his side and donating money and buying his stupid hats.
So... yeah. This was a coup. It might have worked. Thankfully it didn’t. Hopefully a lot of people will learn that trying to overthrow the US government has actual consequences beyond all their liberal friends/family cutting them off on FB.

Just stuff I’m thinking about today.
Addendum to this: being Irish and having grown up knowing what terrorism looks like, I think all these fuckers need to be arrested and charged with terrorism.

If I come off as being too blaisé about this then that's on me. I'm sorry.
The fact that they're all complete idiots doesn't change the fact that they're a dangerous threat to the US.
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