Hierarch of Macch Terror:

1.After the tragic killings of Hazara miners in Macch,there has been a lot of informed and speculative debate in the media about the motives and perpetrators.While discussing who the perpetrators were most discussants fail to differentiate between .1/9
2. the operatives and the handlers. In other words it is necessary to clearly perceive the hierarchy of terror to be able tofight and cause a recoil.A part ofHazaras escaped persecution inAfghanistan and settled aroundQuetta150years ago but the prejudices followed them here too..
3.Their Shia creed became a double jeopardy for this enterprising race.With the rise of sectarianism in Pakistan next to hard baked Taliban regime in Afghanistan helped by AlQaeda, hostile attention refocused on Hazaras, kicking off a fresh round of terrible persecution here..
4.This time it was spearheaded by Laskar e Jhangvi who were feeling marginalized in this evil game of money,power and coercion.LeJ linked up with AlQaeda who had a pronounced anti Shia bias. Money and weapons flowed and safe havens in Afghanistan were guaranteed.Hazara blood ...
5.began to be spilled.Tremers in Balochistan and on to the interior made more and more sense to the US and their side kick India who actively supported dissent in this province. AsUS saw its imminent failure in Afghanistan it began to cede space to India in Afghanistan but with..
6..a caveat that was that their sposored Indo-Afghan nexus against Pakistan will let ISIS co exist in strategic locations in Afghanistan.They airlifted Daesh leadership and fighters and planted them around Nagrahar and Jozjan.Meanwhile TTP was eliminated alongwith their bases ..
7..from FATA and survivors escaped to Afghanistan.This caused a serious reverse to their strategic plan of controlled chaos in Pakistan.Lej Alalami was at a limb too as AQ was decimated.This time savage shia hunter Daesh partnered with LeJ, funded and coordinated by RAW-NDS ..
8..under the supervision of CIA, India became the director of operations, Balochistan the common battlefield and Hazaras the most eligible and easy prey.India was assigned the task of funding ,training, security of terror bases along Pakistan's western border and targeting...
9.Disturbances inQuetta rocks Balochistan the territory through whichCPECs main body passes. CPECwill naturally be rattled and that perfectly suits Indian andUS interests.KillingHazaras evokes little retaliation,shatters peace in the provincialcity and fans sectarian friction.
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