If Wednesday was the final act of Donald Trump’s circus, @RepMoBrooks is one of the ringmasters. For weeks now, he has been lying to the public and whipping people into a frenzy that he and crew were going to “stop the steal” Wednesday.
Check his Twitter feed for the last month. Speeches and statements pushing debunked conspiracy theories based on absolutely nothing. Also, promising that they were going to use their power to overturn the election even after his own Republican colleagues said it wasn’t possible.
After spinning this false narrative, stoking this fire and encouraging “Patriots” to show up at the Capitol to fight and “stop the steal”, he then is the first speaker at the rally and says this.
So, @RepMoBrooks, Wednesday was the day the people he charged up, manipulated, and lied to decided to go into the chamber and take names and “kick ass” just as he said. As a result, 5 people are now dead including a LEO that was trying to protect him from the melee he incited.
There are now bullet holes in the Capitol. Windows were busted and offices were vandalized. Bombs were found around the building. Mo’s “Patriots” showed up with guns, Molotov cocktails and zip ties to help him kick ass and “stop the steal”. Blood was shed on the Capitol grounds.
And while all of this was going on, what was Mo doing? Cracking jokes on Twitter while Congress was being rushed out of the chamber. Security had guns drawn and pointed at the door to stop people from harming members of Congress.
And what has Mo been doing since this happened? Blaming Antifa. Lying to the public. Making excuses for the people he riled up and brought to Capitol. I mean who can blame them for believing the lies you told them, right? As if their behavior is somehow excusable in this tragedy.
Mo is not alone. @SenTuberville @CarlForAlabama @RepBarryMoore first acts in their capacity was participating in and voting for this nonsense. @Robert_Aderholt put his name on this BS as well. They share in the culpability for what happened Wednesday. This is now their legacy.
At least @USRepGaryPalmer has acknowledged that Trump’s rhetoric caused this tragedy. However, don’t need to stop there. Please walk down the hall and tell @RepMoBrooks the same thing. He helped incite this insurrection and is still making excuses for the criminals.
What’s ironic in all of this is that Donald Trump, the man they were all trying to “protect” refused to protect them. He sat back and watched while Congress was under siege. When approached, he refused to send backup for the Capitol police. He watched this country burn.
So now we are left to pick up the pieces from the mess @RepMoBrooks helped create. Thankfully, despite the lies he told and the violence he helped incite, Congress came back and fulfilled its Constitutional duty counted the votes. On January 20th, we will have a new President.
I would suggest that @RepMoBrooks and his minions do the same thing that Trump is going to do at some point between now and January 20th, and just go on home with him.
You can follow @RepEngland70.
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