Massive Thread on Riqui Puig ↩️

The hate that Riqui Puig is getting is absolutely unacceptable.
He was Barça's best midfielder post the lockdown last season and everyone knows it. Yet thanks to a personal agenda from Koeman both the media and fans are turning against him.
This is a player who we are lead to believe doesn't train hard enough. Yet he comes off the bench and in under 30 minutes drops a 10/10 masterclass against Juventus. A player not working hard in training does not deliver those type of performances.
Yet even with his lack of minutes. Puig has never complained, he's never come out and cried about not getting minutes even when he's publicly criticized. He's kept his mouth shut, his head down and focused on Barça.
They're those who say Puig can't play in a double pivot which is a ridiculous statement as we've literally seen him playing in this role in preseason. But let's agree with that notion that he can't play in a pivot. So far this season where has the 4-2-3-1 gotten Koeman?
What's been the benefit of casting players like Puig and Aleña aside for this setup. Are Barça top of the league? Are Barça even in the title race? Did Barça top their champions league group? No instead halfway through the season they're genuine concerns Barça might not get top 4
It's clear to see that this stubbornness and decision to ignore Puig hasn't done the club or Koeman any good and for a simple reason. Barça are a better team with Puig on the feild. There's more energy, excitement, hunger and fluidity in our play with Puig.
This is player capable of unlocking low blocks which is something Koeman has struggled against all season long. And Puig is another player like Pedri and De Jong who understands Messi and plays very well with him. And the same applies to Messi he loves playing with Puig.
We've seen Koeman buckle under pressure and start yielding to playing with a 4-3-3 and it's produced good results. That is the set up Barça should use going forward. The focus should be the team performance not playing big names because of a transfer fee.
If Koeman could simply put his ego aside he could begin building one of the best midfields in world football by playing

Puig De Jong Pedri

A midfield with energy and life. One full of creativity and high work rates. They would be able to do work on both sides of the ball.
At the same time with Messi in a false 9 position with natural wingers either side of him. Barça would thrive. They could out number teams in midfield when Messi drops in while one of the wingers occupies the vacant space. Barça would be a huge threat going forward.
And even if the midfield isn't perfect there would be expirience on the bench in Busquets, Pjanic, Aleña even Coutinho. However this agenda against Puig keeps Barça from unlocking what a could be a phenomenal midfield in the present and future.
It's gotten to the point where Journalist are attacking Puig and worst of all it's over a TIK TOK. I mean seriously apparently it's not okay for a player to dance and have some fun according to @moillorens
Since they can't pick on Puig regarding his performances on the pitch they target his personal life. I mean seriously that is shameful to say the least and a embarrassment to journalism. Puig isn't the only player to be treated as such. Dembele went through this as well.
In the summer Koeman outed dembele publicly and tried to force him out of the club so he could sign Memphis Depay. Had that deal not fallen through Barça would only have 2 wingers in the first team. In Fati and Trincão. Koeman also wanted to sign Wijnaldum.
Had that deal gone through Puig, Pedri, Aleña would all have been sent on loan leaving Barça with

Dest Pique Lenglet Alba

Wijnaldum FDJ

Griezmann Messi Fati/Coutinho

I don't know about you but that's not a team I see winning titles or a team I see achieving long term success or keeping Messi happy. The situation with Puig affects the club a lot more than most of you think and I hope I've shined a light on that through this thread.
The agenda against Puig won't help Koeman. And if he looses his job after the elections he may well regret how he treated Puig during his tenure. I know this was a lot to read but I hope those of you who did enjoyed this thread and share it so others can see it.
Give your own opinions on how you feel about the situation surrounding Riqui Puig.

@FCBNewsRoom @HagridFCB @BarcaWorldwide @barcagalaxy @barcacentre If any of you could read this thread or share it would help me out a lot. Thank you all and have a great day 👍
@Youngcules @LaMasiaTimes just wanted to mention you guys as well. I hope you guys can read this and share it if you agree. Your thoughts in general would be much appreciated 👍
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