1/ A story: 2 months ago, some of you might remember that Scott Adams told to me he had evidence of voter fraud. He promised it was forthcoming, and blocked me when I began checking in on a weekly basis.

Today, he called for Trump to resign. I am still blocked from his account
2/ Here were some of the things Scott was saying to me during our interactions, which I screenshotted (knowing this day would come)
3/ I want to be clear about something: People like Scott, with massive platforms who lie to their followers for attention, likes and retweets, should be taking ownership over what happened Wednesday.

Scott should be telling his followers he never actually had what he says he did
4/ Are these people "responsible" -- no. Nobody is "responsible" for another person's actions. But they are 100% part of the reason we have such a toxic, broken, divorced from reality political discourse we have.

Scott got on the Trump train because it was easy and profitable.
5/ I tried, repeatedly to get him to back off his claims: https://twitter.com/Ike_Saul/status/1324581834848612353
6/ And he, one of the "free speech warriors" of the day, one of the "fight bad ideas with good ideas" people in The Internet, blocked me for it.

He never presented the evidence he said he had.

And he surely helped drive conspiracies amongst his followers.
END/ I checked in a dozen times, giving him every opportunity to offer said evidence, and now he's making his pivot. People like him shouldn't be let off the hook until they genuinely apologize and own what they did — which was lie.

Scott knows better. So do a lot of ppl.
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