Christian conservatives have ceded ground in every possible arena for at least 50 years. At some point we decided science, medicine, entertainment and public & higher education were all secular endeavors whose degeneracy was inevitable.
So we resigned ourselves to yelling about the problems instead of doing anything about them. We said “Jesus said things would get worse...” and ignored our God-given capacity & responsibility to make them any better.
This is completely out of step with both historical Catholicism & Protestantism. Christians founded the universities that now scoff at the idea of a Creator. Christians built the hospitals now providing abortions & gender reassignment surgery for teens.
This is not to say things WON’T inevitably get worse. The Bible DOES make that clear. But historical Christians have also acknowledged our role as salt and light is to infuse God’s goodness into every part of His world.
Government is God’s. Science is God’s. Learning is God’s. These are not “secular” endeavors. Christians should be unapologetically filling these spaces with Biblical truth just as—if not more—ardently than secular humanists fill these spaces with their own ideology.
There is no neutral ground. Every inch of the universe is claimed or counter claimed. Secularism is not a neutral worldview. It has its own dogmas and rules. And they aren’t good. And they have to be confronted with better ones. The end
One more thing. I agree with something @SteveDeaceShow told me yesterday. Wherever you go, endeavor to have as much influence as possible. As bold as a secularist is in asserting their values, assert yours. Without apology.
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