So from what I've played from Red Dead 2 so far, I like the characters and story, I love the dialogue, I love the commentary, I like the shooting. It's simple and feels distinct to Rockstar and I respect it. Between this game's amazing graphics and realistic movement of things...
Like trees and grass, and the constant active open world, this and TLoU2 are by far the 2 games that pushed the PS4 to it's limits and is by far the best open world experience I've had in a game, and I love how this game rewards exploration. However, this game has a lot of...
Issues. You're only able to have up to 4 custom outfits so constant cycling out outfits with a really weird and trivial and making a new outfit isn't worth it, if you feel like doing it then I guess there is an incentive to hunt, but other than that there isn't cause the camp...
System is pointless. The game is about a family of Outlaws and they want you to provide for them but the game doesn't punish you or give incentive to. You can get all of your food,medicine and ammo from looting corpses, there is no point in doing anything for the camp...
I find the morale system to be a little inconsistent and sometimes you lose morale for things that you shouldn't. Like a guy ets you stay at his camp cause he trusts you and says you can take whatever you want, but as soon as you cut down a corpse of a fish that he had hanging...
For food, you lose morale, you can go to an O'driscoll camp and do the same thing and still lose morale. You can rob a stranger's house or camp, and not lose morale. But,if you see them near the house or camp, and rob them, you lose morale, it's just dumb shit that bugs me and...
Sometimes defeats the purpose of what that camp is about. They've made it clear constantly that they steal and kill within reason and steal and kill from others who also steal and kill, but Arthur can go into a house and steal $62s in jewelry from a stranger and not get...
Punished, or have a mission where they rob a bank and kill lawmen and put innocents on danger, it's an example of gameplay not matching with story or what the characters say. Another issues I have is how easy it is to get money in this game, between all the looting you can do...
The money rewards for missions, and the jewelry you find, you get way too much money, buying clothes to make different outfits is trivial and most players won't bother doing it, most of the guns can be found in the open world or during missions, no point in buying a horse...
Cause the best ones are out in different parts of the open world, no point in buying food cause you can get most of it from looting or hunting, hell if you want to, instead of eating when you need to regen at the end of a mission just go back to camp and sleep. Another issue...
With the amount of money you get is it doesn't match up with money. I haven't finished the game but if I did all the side content I could, all the main missions, looted each body in every random encounter I had with Lemoyne Raiders and O'driscolls and more, I'd have more than...
Enough money to get this entire camp away and have a new life. It doesn't match with Dutch's constant want for money and is another example of gameplay not matching with story. Police being able to appear immediately when robbing a train and instantly knowing it's Arthur...
Is pretty absurd and is just an overall issue with the bounty system on how it has inconsistent rules that already aren't perfect as they are. And considering the amount of money they give you, your bounties you pay off should have higher prices, that way bounty hunters...
Immediately get on your ass, and it would put somewhere for you to spend your money. You can kill 2 lawmen and get a $50 bounty. $50 Vs. My $4000 is a joke. I know it wouldn't make sense to get a $1000 bounty for disturbing the peace, but that issue could be fixed by creating...
Incentives for you to do shit that gets you in a mighty fine amount of trouble to where you're paying $500 constantly so that ridiculous money you make actually goes to something and actually makes you concern about running out of money. That's really the only complaints...
I have with this game off the top of my head as of now. I still have a a ways to go before I'm done.
Also no creatively during missions is a bummer.
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