$silver #silver

Pt 1
I'm not a day trader

today doesn't change my opinion about shares I own
no specific company news about them that changes the story

Future projections unchanged

PF performance back to Dec 29th level
It might go back to Dec 21
Still very good gains
Pt 2
My $GDX chart told you that it could go on till mid or end of NEXT week - that remains

Monday's huge up day was a terminal move
We have a 5 month correction that continues

the 50 DMA and 200 DMA will dance a while
until 50 DMA moves UP and over
wait for that
Pt 3

Even my portfolio's % gain chart shows this last move was parabolic-like (RED curve) and Jan 4th was the termination move of a PARABOLA

If you are a short term trader, you need to watch for moves like that to exit - the BLOW OFF day
Pt 4

You're not a good medium or long term trader if you cant tolerate today's move in PM space.

You have to make up your own mind what kind of trader you want to be. Find the one you're good at and the one that suits you. You will be more comfortable in your own skin.
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