This is from my mother... who, when this started, hated Trump and was a democrat.

"It was a good read. I was up for the last two nights thinking and worrying about this. As I see it, we have no media or way to reach out or get information now."

"The states can do whatever they want (they will override their own legislature as they did in the elections) so the Governors and such can do whatever to the elections, the Dems will pack the Supreme court so they will change all the laws to their way forward."

"Change all the voter polls to match their wants, if any people (anyone not just magna) tries to assemble they will sic their gestapo thugs to disband and riot (that’s exactly what they did in DC) and so no more rallies now."

"Anyone mentioning Trump will be arrested and sanctioned (mark my word). I just can’t see a way to fight this. The DC thing and the voting was so well orchestrated-teamwork."

"I know we have the numbers but I hope there is a way to reach and join together because this is a Hitler thing now. BLM and Antifa name is really Dems paid gestapo."

"Thanks for sharing this because it does give hope to see the numbers and thoughts on how we can still work on the problem. I’m afraid for Trump though-I think he’s a dead man.

Love you"
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