So today I have a covid tale for you which might be useful, because like me you may never heard of this. Around Xmas, small sons toes looked a bit pink so we asked if his feet were cold (‘a little bit’) didn’t think anything of it. A few days ago he thought he had bites on his...
toes. I thought it was unlikely so sent a photo to my mum to ask if she thought it was chilblains. She thought it might be, but had a google. Turns out there is a lesser known symptom called Covid Toe (not joking). Within space of a few hours, his toes discoloured to purple.
The next day we contacted the doctors, who looked at the pic & said yes to covid toe. I asked if we should do a test but as so long had passed since first symptoms there was no point & as he pointed out, even if it came back -ve we know it’s +ve.
The thing is this... son has not been out since 18.12, we are part of ONS covid survey so all had -ve tests on 23.12 & 30.12. We are a super cautious household & ALL our shopping / groceries are on line. I have been so cautious since March that I think some people think I’m mad.
Yet he still got it! Although it’s a recognised symptom unless you have either dry cough/temp/loss taste or smell you CANNOT get a test with this symptom. 119 can’t help you, 111 on line can’t help you, 111 is for urgent things at the mo.
I can’t find much info on it, & didn’t feel the Dr was familiar with it. It’s so new. Prevelant in teens with no other symptoms. If you have rashes, discoloured toes or fingers, please be aware it can be a symptom of covid 19.
You can find info on covid toe by googling it, and the most useful resource I found for identifying it was British Institute of Dermatologists who have a comprehensive library of Covid rashes symptoms that have been submitted via the Zoe app. Apart from purple toes, he’s fine.
You can follow @CBezzant.
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