Just had to turn off CNN. Can't listen to one more pol bloviate about how Trump shouldn't be impeached because it will make healing harder. Have they not been paying attention? We got here because there have been no consequences for Trump's abuses...or those of predecessors.
Without consequences for Trump and those who supported this sedition and those who enabled his corruption and those who collaborated with a foreign enemy and those who obstructed justice THERE WILL BE NO HEALING.
The impunity of the empowered is what has fueled our current crisis & enabled them to inflame political divisions. Lincoln was wrong to let Confederate traitors off the hook. Ford was wrong to let Nixon off the hook. GHWBush was wrong to let the Iran-Contra crowd off the hook.
Obama was wrong to let torturers and Wall Street thieves off the hook. In so doing they all undermined our system by eroding accountability--the ultimate check against abuse of power.
There will be no healing if another is tempted to follow in Trump's corrupt, seditions, traitorous footsteps because they know they can get away with it.

To repeat: Healing is not about feeling better, it is about getting better.
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