Can I be honest for a moment?

Observing Christians combined w/ my study of history the last few years makes me want to distance myself from Christianity altogether.

I find it increasingly difficult to separate Jesus from the manifold bullshit I read, see & experience everyday.
What I once saw as beautiful has turned into callous brutality.

What I once felt as indescribable joy in the truth has turned into indignation.

What I once perceived as heavenly & holy has turned into hypocrisy & hatred.

I don’t know what to do with these feelings.

I’m tired.
I would ask you to “pray for me,” but the reality is... would it even change anything? Would it even matter?

I hate being in this perplexing space between loving the person of Jesus Christ & hating the religion he’s associated with.

It’s draining. I want out.

Just being real.
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