Any new laws would be a catastrophe and there are plenty of existing laws that could have stopped the chud invasion
I also find it fantastical that there is a dialectic justice that will rehabilitate people who beat to death a man with a fire extinguisher in a denial of democracy after they have already been shunned by family for adhering to wildly counterfactual claims sold by a huckster
I also find it fantastical that such methods will work on people who are wealthy and exist firmly in a bubble of privilege where they can simply buy their way out of having to see any of the problems with the world
All of this is going to get so much worse as climate change worsens and to think that there is a solution for deeply anti-social behaviors that doesn't involve some form of enforced divestiture is not likely
Dealing with someone who robs someone at knifepoint to buy food/alcohol/drugs is an entirely different situation than someone who robs entire communities so they can buy more distance from reality
Your goal should not be to rehabilitate a fascist who flew across the country on a private jet in order to kidnap elected officials so they can enjoy a slightly lower tax rate and the ability to say the N word without repercussions. Your goal should be to take their private jet.
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