I’ve heard too many times in the last 24 hours from Ss saying, “we didn’t talk about it.” Ts saying, “we didn’t talk about it.” 🤯
This is a national tragedy.Our government’s highest offices were attacked. We have to talk about it.
Good news,there is still time & the internet🧵
School leaders: it is my hope that by now you’ve held space for your adults to come together. To let people process, sit in silence, talk, write, research together.
There has never been a more accessible way to do this.

Set a time & open a Zoom link.Make a slide. Do something.
@biologywithjane has offered a way to create spaces to support the range of your community. You can adapt this for the adult community.
There are Ts sharing conversations that our youngest Ss had. It is possible bc kids understand right and wrong, fair and unfair.
Adults are often the issue.

We can’t accept that bc a community is “conservative” you go radio silent.
This is political, meaning, our government.
Open that square “3 Branches of Government” book we all have, point to the legislative branch picture and say, “This building/branch of govt was attacked, does anyone have any questions?”

But please, do something. Your silence is harming someone in your community right now. 🙏🏾
You can follow @SaraKAhmed.
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