Oh. Y’all writing 92920202 pieces on an Anglo white pretending to be a Colombian & Puerto Rican white. Mmkay.
Extremely telling how a white can do that yes? An Anglo white indistinguishable from a Latin American white. My point.
Y’all: Fulana pretended to be Colombian but she is a white woman.

Me: ok? A Colombian white then?
I got sent a few links on it. I’m not reading a word. For what. Fight amongst yourselves blanquis. It’s all the same to me. Y’all all white and violent. This has been a week eh? 😂🤣😭😭
This ain’t my Black ass fight. Good time to examine that y’all U.S. Luhtenoos openly & giddily have all-white leadership for your dique “brown power” orgs. Y’all deserve the “deception.” Good.
The white mestizo Luhteenos upset over Natasha Lycia Ora Bannan who actually have the same white family lineage & history as her.
At this point it’s just memes and vibes. I ain’t got nothing else for y’all guaits (TM @DanielVzqzz ) Absolutely. Nothing.
Cry-laughing at @aliciasanchez seeing
the Natasha Lycia Ora Bannan
foolishness and yawning in unison with me. 😭😭😭😭
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