Ok, screengrabs done. This will be a -long- thread but the first episode alone is enough to explain why 'Bottom Tier Character Tomozaki-kun' is one of the most insulting series I've ever seen to people with social issues, the natural state of 'life is just kinda unfair', etc. 1/
For those not in the know, the general plot of Tomozaki is socially isolated and unskilled loner is the best totally not Smash Bros. player in Japan. Dorky and no friends, he still has at least some value in himself since he loves to play video games and its his main hobby. 2/
However! upon meeting up with the second best player in totally not Smash Bros, he finds the player is actually a super pretty, popular, athletic, smart and all around perfect girl in his class! (talk about coincidence!)
So the series is about her changing his perspective about life being a 'trash' game and him working to being a socially respectable member of society, and so on and so forth....remember being yourself if you're a nerd is NOT ok! /4
Lets start with our main heroine, Aoi....a smug bitch who as far as I can tell (I've read a good chunk of the manga adaptation of the LN) is perfect in every way, very typical anime Mary Sue. And she starts by insulting our MC based on his appearance alone. /5
BTW, these types of people are never actually sorry. They just make a show of saying so in order to hold up appearances. She calls HIM rude for....having dirty sneakers and not finely pressed clothes. What a bitch. He's going out to hang with a gaming buddy, not go on a date. /6
The biggest problem with Aoi is that she never once shows the ability to empathize or understand where Tomozaki is coming from. Her life as far as we can tell is basically perfect. Sure, T-kun does do the typical teenage angst as shown in the second screen, but that's normal. /7
And here is the main crux of T-kun as a series' problem is. There is nothing wrong with being engaged with your own hobbies and living peacefully the way you want to. T-kun is very right in that Aoi is completely forcing her ideals onto him. /8
Her response? "Fuck you, you whiner, even though I don't know your personal situation at all, you're just not TRYING hard enough!" Her perspective is so horribly warped she's unable to see life as any possibility than a 'winnable game' because she's already won it. /9
Again T-kun has a completely understandable response. No Aoi, you -can't- change characters in real life. Sure you can exercise and do a lot of things to -help-, but you're inherently stuck with what you're born with on some level. /10
So T-kun goes to her house since she has a 'point' to make. She describes herself as a "C+" w/o make up....despite already being high desirability in looks without it. Of course the series completely glosses over the difference between men/women in social desirability. /11
I hate this trope so god damn much. We're introduced to his character who is pretty, socially graceful, top of the class in grades, star of her sports club, and 2nd best player in her country in a hyper competitive video game. You. Have. Top. 'Stats'. /12
This is the infuriating part of this series longer term. Yes, Aoi is technically right here. One CAN learn social/communication skills with some effort. But she completely ignores that its significantly harder for some people for a variety of reasons. Its not just 'effort'. /13
Literally no she hasn't. Some slight spoilers but again, having read a good chunk of the manga adaptation I've yet to see her actually try for anything even once. She's the very definition of a Mary Sue. /14
Reminder she's getting all haughty about this because she lost to the best player in the country at a video game. She's literally ranked second and T-kun even says she'll be able to beat him soon enough. She's just butthurt she's not PERFECT ENOUGH. /15
I hate to use the 'starving kids an Africa' excuse but....try telling that to starving kids in Africa Aoi. Life is most certainly unreasonable and unbalanced. Part of growing up is learning to accept that and figuring your own shit out. /16
And Tomozaki fucking buys into this because he sees her working hard at not-Smash Bros. That's....not how any of this works. /17
Another example of why this is so frustrating. Its THIS close to coming to the correct answer and then spits in the face of it a second later. If you're having fun playing a game solo and that's fulfilling to you....what's the problem? /18
T-kun, she literally knows nothing about you. You've played Smash a few times and had one conversation. Also 'no one would acknowledge'? You're the best in the country. This series only equates to irl recognition as 'actual' recognition. Its...kinda disgusting really. /19
.....T-kun, you've literally been playing the 'game' called life for what, 16-17 years now? /20
Here comes lil sis to explain exactly why Aoi is completely nonsensical. T-kun practicing smiling and sis calls him creepy. Welcome to the real world Aoi, where life isn't a game and you can't 'win' everyone.
The episode also has a strange as fuck tangent about life being a big open world freedom game and you start with....character creation? Literally not how it works. If so I would've chosen a build with more strength a not receding hairline, thanks. /21
Compared to a significantly better nerdy romcom series, Wotakoi. Where its nerdy protagonists all have their issues and hang ups and quirks, but are functioning members of society and if you want to sit home and play games to relax most of your leisure time, THAT'S OK. /22
Sorry, but with the anime out and it going to get a lot more exposure I had to explain why Tomozaki-kun is pretty insulting to the nerdy and often socially awkward community. It understands nothing and equates the only way to have a good life is to 'win' at it. /End
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