We are in a dangerous time in America. In less than 48 hours of armed insurrectionists storming the Capitol at the incitement of the President we are starting to have revisionist history. We are learning that the wholesale firing of DOD leadership weeks ago was in preparation.
The pentagon leadership delayed and downplayed preparations for what was anticipated and then was more concerned about optics than protecting the legislators. Insurrectionists with zip ties, weapons, & protective gear were prepared to take hostages demonstrating military training
President Trump realizing he is culpable tries to now gaslight the American people he was against the very violence he incited. Not only should he be removed from office immediately but prosecuted. He will attempt to pardon himself. This was a planned coordinated attack by Trump.
This new government is obligated to pursue and prosecute all conspirators that participated in this domestic attack on our government. Failure to do so means you are blind to the fact that this is just the beginning and not the end. This will continue around America.
Trump incited the same armed attack of the Wisconsin and Michigan Capitols and nothing was done. It emboldened them to strike the US Capitol and now lives have been lost. Assassinations are next. We have watched political violence escalate with Trump’s rhetoric and done nothing.
NEVER FORGET. If there are no consequential prosecutions, impeachments , or removals, we are doomed to be victimized & attacked again.Our democracy means nothing if it can so easily be threatened. Our enemies are watching. Protect our constitution from enemies foreign & domestic
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