Yesterday we, @CLARI_Network and @crussell001 held a transatlantic conversation between Wales and Nova Scotia .This came from realising that a pandemic means that the world is even smaller nowadays – we can connect across oceans from our home ‘offices’. So that’s what we did!
We felt that misinformation is a topic that affects everyone at the moment @crussell001 began with a presentation to set the scene - here are some highlights: ‘When you can’t trust information…You turn to relationships’
• We’ve become polarized on so many important issues

• Our values influence the amount of attention we give to those issues
• Duelling facts causes us to look to trusted sources close to us for answers

• We tend to make and be friends with people who think like us
• Trust in politicians, governments, media and academia has deteriorated – unless they support our position

• Working against confirmation bias and belief perseverance - Individuals search for confirmation of their beliefs – and won’t change their mind even with good evidence
• Providing people with information – falls flat

• Social media and the media effectively communicate misinformation and conspiracy theories – feeding individuals information that supports their view
• Anxiety and the feeling like things are out of control causes people to make sense of the world in any way they can - leading them to be part of a network of believers

• Although technology has contributed to the misinformation – it is a necessary part of the solution
So…What happens next?

The role of communities was a theme across a lot of the conversations.
It’s core to what @CLARI_Network do and people like @BCTWales.
This could be the focus of the next conversations, let us know
You can follow @AuditWales_GPX.
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