Ok here goes: either we need to have wages that move with profits and actually increase for the working class, or there needs to be a robust social safety net. Corporations cannot continue to hoard all the money, leaving a populace to work harder and longer and risk starvation.
Racism and fascism aren’t the only reason people are angry in this country. Corporations and individuals hoard incalculable wealth, as the masses work 2 jobs to pay rent that has increased in multiples as their wages have stayed the same. Something has to give.
And women are most likely to be the provider in single income homes while their healthcare rights are under assault. This is a system that if it continues unchecked, will fail. We cannot expect a “country of laws” to survive in a manner so fundamentally unjust.
I’ve witnessed firsthand from the inside of companies (large companies) the decisions to employ part time over full, to cut staff rather than executive perks. People are disposable to companies, why doesn’t it work the same way in reverse?
Corporations are like giant crack addicts. They have a good idea and get high. They grow and grow build and build, but inevitably due to market pressure or time they start to contract. How do they keep that high? They fire YOU.
My grandfather used to joke that he and my grandmother kept their money separate. Her money was her money and his money was her money. That is the relationship corporations in the US have with the American people.
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