OK, quite a long post, but I was asked by several people yesterday to respond specifically to the points @JuliaHB1 made in her own thread. So I’m going to try one final time to explain.

It is perfectly legitimate to interrogate individual pieces of Covid data...
...but what you also have to do – if you are genuinely trying to deal in truth and fact – is align those pieces of data.

So, it is conceivable there are flaws in testing. And Covid admissions data. And mortality data...
...But – and this is the crucial point – it is not conceivable that those flaws align in the way we are currently seeing. For example, false positives would not account for a rise in admissions. In the same way, a flawed definition of Covid admissions (leg-break hypothesis)...
...would not account for a rise in mortality. But we are seeing all three surging. Concurrently. In precisely the way we would expect in the midst of a pandemic.

Which brings me to the second point...
To believe the hypothesis posed by the sceptics you also have to believe this. Either those charged with monitoring the nation’s health – the CMO, CSA, their colleagues in the regions, Ministers, officials – are unaware of the data flaws Julia and her allies have identified...
...and despite their decades of cumulative experience, they are making major public health decisions totally oblivious to the catastrophic misreading of the data the amateur lock-down sceptic sleuths have uncovered...
...or they are aware of them. And – for reasons no one has yet rationally explained - are carrying on regardless, perpetuating one of the greatest public health hoaxes in history...
...Which brings me to the final point. If you wish to embrace the lockdown-sceptics theory you also have to believe something else...
...Which is what is happening in the UK – the erroneous testing data, admissions data, mortality data, the failure to identify it by the entire public health establishment – is all part of a staggering coincidence...
...That by a one in a billion chance the UK’s great false-pandemic scare just so happened to coincide with a genuine global pandemic...
...Our false data surge – all those false positives and broken legs – happened just as a real pandemic was sweeping the rest of the globe. Because no-one disputes the Tsunami of cases and deaths we saw in March and April was the product of the annual winter flu season...
...So as I say, believe what you want to believe. But if you genuinely care about facts and the truth, there is only one conclusion you can draw. The pandemic isn’t a hoax, it’s here, and it represents a real and present danger to the health of our nation.
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