It has clearly been too much to ask. Now that the right has been moved to violence you'd think everybody would go "whoa ok, let's chill" but instead it's full speed ahead on hyprocisy, censorship, and escalation.
You could take the next week to quiet down, reflect on how you contributed to getting here, and then have the usual transition markers, but instead you need to escalate things by trying to throw the guy out.
And not just him, but everyone else remotely associated with him. You created this situation by taking away every avenue people had to try to change direction and have driven them ever further towards the options we do not want them to take.
The Tea Party was the perfect expression of what we expect of voters dissatisfied with the direction of the country to do. They protested peacefully, spoke to their reps at the designated times and places, and ultimately threw the bums out by voting.
The response to this was to label them all racists and for the new bums to promptly spit in their faces. When they tried to rally around everyone except the pre-designated "next-in-line" guy, they got labelled as whackobirds and ignored.
Despite that, they gave the Rs the Senate to undo Obamacare, which promptly did not happen. By the time of Trump, half the country had thrown up its hands in realization they could not make any headway at all.
So they did the only thing they could. They said "fuck you" by voting for Trump. And since the establishment was caught in their arrogant complacency, he snuck in there.
Rather that reflect on why and how that happened, every major institution in America then proceeded to burn its credibility to the ground over the next four years trying to stop the Bad Orange Man.
The Bad Orange Man, by the way, is the only one to actually deliver on his promises to the people he voted for. He went to bat for those voters against every major power in the nation and a few outside it.
Now consider before we came into 2020, Trump voters already had to worry about actual violence towards them simply for being people who didn't vote for the other side.
Then the various governmental entities of this nation took away basically every right we have in the name of safety by executive fiat. No votes. No legislatures passing laws. Just "here is this week's dictate on what you can and cannot do."
Meanwhile a group of people who actually get violent are not merely excused from punishment of both the old laws and these new edicts, in many cases they are actively encouraged by all the same people who are screeching bloody murder about the capitol thing.
And then we have the election. The release valve to let people be heard, and you turned that into a farce. Everybody changes the rules at the last minute. It's run with the transparency of mud.
It ends up looking fishy as hell. There are different things flying everywhere, and rather than just letting everyone air those grievances, address them as best we can, and then wait it out, here comes the hammer again.
Talk about it? Muted. Flagged. Banned.
So yeah they finally get whipped up on the very last day at the very last moment for anyone to do anything, and it's awful and shameful and embarrassing, and you've decided the response is to just crush the heel harder.
You have learned nothing, so of course you get the cause and effect backwards, and you decide we must ensure that the Bad Orange Man never returns, when you could do what you should've done all along and just shut up and stop antagonizing people.
It's all you have to do, just shut the fuck up and wait a lousy week. Or you can go over to the burning embers and pour gasoline on it. Your choice.
Oh, and one more thing, this isn't a case of heckler's veto or being blackmailed by violence. There is no agenda here to support or defy, there is only the question of plugging the release valves or leaving them open.
Because as I have said for *years* now, if you keep this up, you really will get the Hitler you're asking for, probably on the other side of an actual Civil War to the degree it's still practical in 2021. That's not a threat, simply the inevitable outcome.
But hey, nobody listened to me in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, or 2020, so why would I expect you to get it now. Onward to the abyss!
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