Okay here we go. The big thread. All the updates, all the services.

Sorry it's taken a while to get this far; so many decisions to make, so many frameworks to work within, so much guidance to go through...

News item coming soon but here's the key info.

As of Monday, the Morrell, Burton and Fairhurst will be open 9am to 7pm.

The current intention is for this to continue during the current lockdown. We can't guarantee it because who knows what'll happen? But we're planning to stay open.

You can browse the shelves, borrow books, use the printers, and book a study space here: https://informationbookings.york.ac.uk/r/new 
Now here's a tricky thing to say. Your library is open and you're welcome to use it - but do consider working at home if you're comfortable (mentally and physically) doing so. We want to keep everyone as safe as possible.
Here's another tricky thing to say. We have marshals in the building to help direct people and make sure everything is being done to keep people safe - ensuring social distancing, face-coverings etc. It's not an easy role. We're very grateful to our staff for being there. >>
<< Most students and staff are brilliant about following the rules, but we really need *everyone* to be brilliant, especially now. Things are (even) more serious than they were before Christmas. Please be nice to our staff when they speak to you on the way in! >>
<< We need you to wear your face-coverings as you come in. We can't let you study in groups (even if you live together); it's literally illegal for us to do so. Don't ignore us on the way in. Don't make us *enforce* social distancing; just social-distance. Please.

Thank you.
Incidentally it's realllly cold at the moment and one of the ways we try to be as Covid-secure as possible is good ventilation - so the windows are open. We can't lend out our blankets at the moment for obvious reasons, so you may wish to bring your own!
Okay back to it. Book Takeaway will continue. We can post books out to you, or scan chapters. Or you can come to the library to borrow and return books if you wish.

We are going to switch off Recalls.

We still want you to return books to us if you can, but we don't want anyone to feel any pressure to e.g. go to a post office during their one period of Govt mandated exercise per day... So Requests will be switched off shortly.
This takes a little time from a technical point of view so will happen next week. If you've had a recall notice in the meantime, don't worry, you don't need to return the item if you're not comfortable doing so. There are still no fines, of course.
The Help Desk will be moving online. Chat and Email support will be available 9-5, seven days a week: https://york.ac.uk/library/contact 

You can also get remote IT support - @UoYITServices page is here: https://www.york.ac.uk/it-services/help/it-support/ and the @UoYWriting page is here: https://www.york.ac.uk/students/studying/skills/writing-centre/
What of our other sites? Well the York Minster Library is still closed. We can't get access to the building right now so unfortunately the stock is not borrowable.

King's Manor Library will close tomorrow. You *will* still be able to use Book Takeaway to retrieve items, though.
The @UoYBorthwick is closed physically but still offering online support - you can see their announcement here: https://twitter.com/UoYBorthwick/status/1346481688033939457

The library space in the Piazza building will still have study spaces bookable via https://informationbookings.york.ac.uk/r/new 
Is that everything? Let us know if we've forgotten anything or if there's any other info you need.

By the way the pic at the top of the thread is an artists' impression of the library, from the 60s, pre it being built. It's nice.
Anyway we'll add the link to the News item with more detail once it's published. Thanks for your patience and for helping us to make this all work!
You can follow @UoYLibrary.
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