Here's a concept: JGY not only having to face NHS's grief over NMJ but also LXC's.
LXC, who has been with NMJ for decades, who has fought in a war and won under NMJ's leadership, who thought that no more death would cast a shadow over them anymore, who thought he could heal NMJ.
LXC, who loved NMJ, crying into JGY's chest, wounded and pained, exactly as broken as he was after the burning of the Cloud Recesses. And JGY, knowing he did this to him.
I just think that people tend to brush over how much Mingjue's death would have fucked Xichen up, and they're valid because...well, canon does give us that brilliant bit of "oh I always thought you had your reasons" BS. But, Mingjue was Xichen's best friend (at the LEAST).
But, A-Yao hurt him with this more than he could have possibly imagined. Mingjue was the last bit of his childhood, of his pre-war days, that survived. Wangji certainly didn't. I'm sure there was also some comfort to be taken in how little the war changed Huaisang... not anymore.
And the worst part of this was that Xichen was supposed to heal him. He's a Lan! It's his DUTY to have found a way, and he failed miserably. He had to watch Mingjue die. He had to see Huaisang's attempts to run to him. He had to see people wiping the blood off Lanling's steps.
I think it would be delightful if JGY had to see the self-recrimination happen in real-time. If he had to split his time between Gusu and Qinghe to comfort two crumbling sect leader that he broke himself.
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