When. I spoke up about Trump in 2015-2016, Christians:
· Called the church elders to discipline me
· Did hour long "takedowns" of me on YouTube and podcasts
· Uninvited me from preaching and speaking opportunities
· Posted racist memes
· Accused me of being a heretic...
Christians also:
· Told me Dems were the party of "baby killers"
· "Both sides" me about Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump
· Labeled me a "Marxist" and "liberal"
· Called me "woke" as a perjorative

And it was way worse for Black women.
The unholy marriage between many Christians and the GOP/Trump trampled and traumatized the Black Christians in their midst. If the insurrection is a wake up call to some Christian Trump supporters, then they must reckon with the carnage they caused.
Just this week, my second book on what to do about all the racist mess we see in this nation was released. Learn more here: http://HowToFightRacism.com 
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