Happy (belated) new year! 😊

Sorry guys, I wasn't intending to be away this long. I'll be back in a limited capacity next week 👍 I will catchup with DMs as soon as I can. For now, here's an update👇
Because of the ongoing lockdowns, I've been busy winding down several businesses (which I heavily invested into last year). I've lost a lot of money. But my frustration pales in comparison to those who have lost their lives and livelihoods in this pandemic.
Some of these people are close friends and I'm doing what I can to put them into other work. Something they can do from home whilst this shit show continues.
RE DMs: I'd have more respect for some u guys if u stopped asking me to 'drop the mask' or demanding naked pics. Plenty of women giving that shit away on here, go be a f'in nuisance to them. There's no tits or ass to see here, I'm a serious real life trader. Move the fuck along.
In my own trading, since hanging out with some guys who trade footprint/flow, quite a few things have changed. I still take the exact same setups as before, but how I enter, manage and exit is completely different. My trade management rules have also substantially changed.
I did some sim trading at end of year & had great results. I've been using an indy that @johnsteinberg built. I take my hat off to him, he's done a shit ton of work & it's made understanding order flow much easier for idiots like me! 🙏 Here's a live view of me sim trading itđŸ‘‡đŸ€Ł
I have tried other FP indys, but stupid shit like not being able to zoom out annoyed the hell out of me, hence going down custom indy route. I didn't expect to marry the two methods up (1m + FP), but it's been doing this which has given me the best results for my style of trading
I've already started working on "fkyesss playbook 2.0" 😊 I'll release later this month when it's finished. The recent changes have helped me a lot & if they help others too, great! 🙌 I'm going to leave original doc as is, it's still a more than valid way to trade 👍
The most significant changes to my trading don't actually have much to do with order flow. The order flow part of my playbook will mostly be about maximising profits. Seeing how others trade has led me to refine what I was doing. I was hoping to do some vids with John but it's...
...not going to happen for a little while. Too much on. Maybe a bit later in the year 👍 If I can figure out how to get Snagit to record without making my mouse look like it's having a fit, I'll try & get some live trading vids for u guys. A few vids will show what I'm doing.
What I do is so simple, there's not much to explain: I see a wick taken out & I go in. I don't overthink it. If I get fucked a few times, I wait for price to move to new area. Don't expect much in the way of analysis, "it went up then came back down" is as in-depth as it gets! đŸ€Ł
I'm going to Sim a bit longer then live trade this shit. I'm more trading for fun right now, just shooting for consistency again using new method before I start getting serious with add-ons and/or size. I've lost a lot of days in yr 2 of my trading. I've been thinking about...
...this a lot. I have a lot of catching up to do if I want to beat what I did in yr 1. Which is why I've killed the idea of trying to beat it. It was just putting too much pressure on me, that & the fact that I might also do stupid shit to try & make the money I lost in...
...investments. For yr 2, first annual goal is to do $50k. Once I *touch wood* get there, then shoot for $100k. Then $150k if I can do that.
Seeing the destruction this virus has caused has really humbled me. If I have breath in my lungs, roof over my head & food to eat, I'm already ridiculously lucky. Anything more is amazing. Everyday my family & dog make my life awesome ♄

Anyway, usual charts R back Mon

GL today
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