A Love Letter to #MAGA -

I dont think all Trump supporters are as dumb as a lot of people rag on you for. I think sometimes you see the evil we talk about in your guy; but you pretend you don’t see it so you don’t need to concede any ground while arguing. Trump does this too. 1/
I don’t think you love Trump as much as you *despise* entitled Liberals who act superior and try to make you feel less. Who tell you what words to say, which thoughts to think, and have the arrogance to define moral right and wrong for you. And cancel you if you disagree. 2/
I think that this disdain burns RED HOT in your veins. And Donald Trump is the only person that’s come along that seems invincible to their tactics. And come on, admit it — it feels *just a little* good to see them squirming under his bullying little thumbs, doesn’t it? 🤗 3/
You’re not all liars. You’re not deluded. You’re not all morons. You don’t embody all of Trump’s broken traits and mal-adjusted mannerisms. Not most of you, anyway. But he’s your WWE champion that you root for to win, because if he wins, the entitled Libs lose.

Right? 4/
But here’s the thing.... This time it went too far. I think deep down you see how his accusations of election fraud has no real merit. I think you see him praise an appointee one day as the smartest nicest person, until they break with him, then they’re dumb and untrustworthy. 5/
I think deep down you see these contradictions too...

But I think you deny them and adopt all his arguments because to acknowledge his fuckery would help the Liberals get rid of him. And without his resistance, the Liberal policies would take over and you don’t want that. 6/
I think you see how “you’ve gotta get your people and fight” from this speech can be taken literally or figuratively. That’s why he phrased it that way, obviously. But in totality with all the other rhetoric and instigating he’s been doing? There was only one outcome to this. 7/
Intent being there or not, the result was the same. The mob was angry enough to let their actions boil over, and instigated them into doing things I don’t think most of those people would have done on their own. And I think you understand me here, too. 8/
Our Democracy is bigger than your disdain of the thought police. I don’t agree with their hyperbole all the time either, but on THIS ISSUE, you must stop pretending you don’t see how unthinkably far over the line Trump has gone with these election lies and dangerous rhetoric. 9/
He’s not working for the country and never was. He’s working for himself. He doesn’t care about you and I think deep down you know that, too. Watch how quickly he throws every loyal supporter sent to the Capitol directly under the bus. These two clips are 24 HOURS apart. 10/ 👇
Notice he “loves them” but wants them to calm down in the first clip. And the very next day? They’re low-life criminals that disgusts him. All because he realized how serious this all got. In no small part a result of the rallying cries and blatant lies he’s been shilling. 11/
👆 It’s all right there in front of your eyes. The man doesn’t have a loyal bone in his body. You are just pawns in his game. And I think deep down you see it too.

But your disdain of the “other side”, plus your natural human ego, makes it impossible to say out loud 😓💔 12/
Some of you out there in Trumpland really can’t see any of this, tho. Cognitive dissonance is one hell of a drug. Like your daddy growing up, he can do no wrong.

But this thread was for the rest of you. Please give me some credit — I’m trying here. Am I even a little right? ❤️ /
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