More and more evidence is emerging that elements of this attack on the Capitol were planned. Here is some of what I saw ...
I saw multiple rioters in tactical gear communicating on walkie talkies. Many wore helmets and gas maks, clearly prepped for violence.
Many of the rioters also brought blunt weapons. This guy has an axe handle in hand.
This group of Oathkeepers had been inside the Capitol. They came together in uniform they regrouped outside and were strategizing. They had helmets, knee pads, and gloves with knuckle protection. Notice the one guy carrying the large pole. I saw several of those.
It was clear to participants and the White House that calling people down to DC for the certification was dangerous. This city has seen violent riots, protests, and skirmishes for months now. I went out with a helmet and goggles. No one can say they didn't know.
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