Let’s discuss the vile person in the picture wearing the Auschwitz shirt.

1. He is universally condemned and marginalized by the left, right and center, UNLIKE Democrat antisemites in Congress.

2. He has no political power, UNLIKE Democrat antisemites in Congress.
3. He is not supported by the Republican Party, UNLIKE the Democrat antisemites in Congress who are ENDORSED by party leadership.

4. He likely cannot hold down any job, much less a job where he has widespread influence, UNLIKE the countless leftist antisemitic
university professors, media personalities, and journalists ( too many to list, think CNN’s Amanpor or the vile leftist on MSNBC).

5. He has no political platform, UNLIKE the antisemitic leftists at the UN, the EU, and every other international organization that
the Democrats support.

The Democratic Party has endorsed and elected countless antisemites to office including, but not limited to, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Cori Bush, Betty McCollum, Marie Newman , AOC, Jamal,Keith Ellison, Maxine Waters, Jimmy Carter, Andrew Young,
Rev Warnock... Countless so called ‘Jewish’ Democrat Congressmen and advisers support Iran over Israel ( think Blumenthal, Murphy, Ben Rhodes).

The Democratic Party leadership NEVER condemns elected Democratic legislatures for meeting with or supporting vile
antisemites like Farrakhan or Linda Sarsour . In fact, Sarsour spoke at the DNC this year .

Don’t fucking tell me that the safe party for Jews is the Democratic Party. The DNC is quickly becoming the US version of the UK Labour Party and THAT should frighten
ALL Americans!
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