Missouri, while national politics is dominating our attention, a hidden dark money group is trying to buy our state government.

Right to Work for Less is back.

The leader of the Liberty Alliance (a business actually called Cornerstone 1791) has proposed three initiative petitions: Right to Work for Less and two petitions to eliminate Missouri's Nonpartisan Court Plan.

Liberty Alliance succeeded former Governor Greitens' dark money group, A New Missouri, Inc., which he used to sell out his office to the highest bidder. Liberty Alliance is deeply connected to a national effort to flood our democracy with anonymous political spending.

The Right to Work for Less proposal would essentially end the ability of businesses to fully negotiate with unions, interfering in the free market and private contracts in order to benefit big corporations.

The two efforts to eliminate Missouri's Nonpartisan Court Plan would end our nation-leading effort to keep partisan campaigning out of many of our courtrooms. This has been a dream of dark money billionaires for a long time.

It's not hard to buy a judicial election, and, with a captured judiciary, big corporations are often let off the hook when they hurt customers. The infamous Koch Network used this process to reduce their liability when they polluted and harmed residents near fuel pipelines.

What we saw in DC this week is where our broken government inevitably brought us to. Powerful people want our government to fail. They want to be the ones to have real control.

They want to decide how our democracy works, how we educate our children, who gets justice, and what our neighborhoods look like. So they invest in breaking the system we have and appeal to our weak leaders' selfish interests.

These powers don't care about your party. They care about their money, and they won't hesitate to throw out the leaders they bought the moment they are no longer helpful.

We're on the defensive again in Missouri because our empowered leaders refuse to fight for us. That's why our democracy is where it is.

And it's why We the People need to take it back.

You can help take back Missouri here: http://www.takebackmo.org 

You can see the initiative petitions here: https://www.sos.mo.gov/default.aspx?PageID=9975

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